Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Interactive Pages in Your Scrapbook

With the 4th of July coming up I know you will have a lots of pictures from the one day and I know from my vacation we took about 4000 pictures over 3 weeks so I have plenty of pictures to scrapbook. The latest product from CTMH to help us is the Flip Flaps Memory Protectors - which are $3.95 for 15 flaps or enough to add another 30 pictures to our pages! They attach direct to your page protector and you can make little flap albums with you then add.
One of my favorites among the CTMH Consultant Tresa Black has made a great UTube to show you how to do it. She is so talented at these videos. So check out how she uses the flip flap memory protectors. In addition she shows you how to add a 9 by 9 page protector to your 12 by 12 album page to give you another 2 9 by 9 pages of spaces to add pictures. There is no need any longer to have multiple pages of one event and you don't have to leave any of those precious pictures out. You can buy both of these products direct with me or via my website at Watch out for some pages from me where I've used these products coming soon. Just got to finish getting everything put away after the vacation.

Check it out here :-

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